Are you suffering from tendonitis or chronic pain? Has this condition been nagging you for a period of time? Ultrasound Guided Dry Needling is a powerful and effective treatment used to treat many musculoskeletal conditions.

Tendinopathies are a highly prevalent problem and conventional conservative treatments often do not correct the problem. A trigger point is an irritable, hard “knot” within a muscle that is painful when palpated and can produce significant pain over a large area. Trigger points are very common and can often make everyday tasks difficult. Often, these trigger points may be too deep to be effectively treated by other treatment techniques. Ultrasound Guided Dry Needling, also known as myofascial trigger point dry needling, is the use of solid filiform needles for therapy of muscle and tendon pain, including pain related to myofascial pain syndrome. The technique uses an ultrasound-guided dryneedle, one without medication or injection, inserted through the skin into areas of the muscle, known as trigger points. The use of ultrasound ensures deep tissue accuracy in identifying the affected structure and is a very specialized procedure.

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Our Physiotherapist, Raphael Soares, leads this treatment at our Huronia clinic. To book an appointment with Raphael, please call our Huronia location at 705.734.3340.