Resources / Forms


Do I need a doctors referral for physiotherapy?

No, you do not need a referral from a doctor to attend physiotherapy. However, a doctor's referral is occasionally required for reimbursement through you extended health care benefits. These situations are rare, but occasionally occur. Please feel free to give us a call if you are unsure if you need a doctor's referral.

Do you direct bill my insurance?

Yes, we have the ability to direct bill most extended health care providers. Amounts and spending limits vary from plan to plan. If you are unsure of the limits on your plan, please contact your extended health care provider for plan details.

We direct bill the following providers:

Canada Life (GWL), Chambers of Commerce, CINUP, Claim Secure, Cowan, Desjardins, First Canadian, GroupHealth, GroupSource, Industrial Alliance, Johnson Inc, Johnston Group, Luina Local 183, Manion, Manulife, Maximum Benefit, People Corp, RWAM, Equitable Life, Greenshield, SSQ, Empire Life, RBC, Cooperators, NexGen, and Blue Cross. **If you do not see your provider listed please reach out directly and we are happy to look in to if we are able to direct bill for you.

If you have been injured in a car accident or at work, we have the ability to bill directly. If you have any questions about direct billing, please contact any of our clinics.

Do you offer services in other languages?

Yes, depending on location we are able to offer services in many languages. Please contact us directly to inquire about any specific languages.

How do I book an appointment?

You can call any of our Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation clinics directly. Our courteous staff will be happy to assist you with booking your visits. You can also book online through our website.

How long is a chiropractic visit?

This can vary depending on your specific needs/injury. On average your initial assessment will take approximately 45 minutes - 1 hour. Follow up visits are approximately 15-45 minutes. Again, this can depend on the type and severity of your injury.

How long is a physiotherapy visit?

This can vary depending on your specific needs/injury. On average your initial assessment will take approximately 1 hour. Follow up visits are approximately 30-45 minutes. Again, this can depend on the type and severity of your injury.

How many Physiotherapy or Chiropractic treatments will I need?

This varies depending on your injury. Your therapist will establish a treatment plan with you based on your specific needs. This will include an estimate on frequency and number of visits required.

What should I expect on my first Physiotherapy or Chiropractic visit?

You should expect to be welcomed to our facility by our courteous team. Your initial visit will require the completion of onboarding paper work and a health history form. These forms will be sent to you electronically ahead of time. They can be completed at home prior to coming to the clinic.

You will be assessed by a physiotherapist/chiropractor. Wear loose fitting clothing or bring shorts, T shirt or athletic wear to allow the therapist access to the injured area. Should you forget - we do have limited shorts and T shirts that you can borrow.

What will a Physiotherapy or Chiropractic treatment involve?

Treatment will vary depending on your injury. Generally, treatment will involve manual therapy, exercise/stretching and modalities for pain relief. Manipulation, acupuncture, and dry needling may be offered as an option if the therapist deems it to be helpful in your specific recovery plan.

Will my Physiotherapy or Chiropractic treatment session be painful?

You may feel some soreness after assessment and treatment. This is often due to injured structures being stiff and sore related to the injury. Your therapist will need to move these stiff and sore areas in order to get an accurate diagnosis, or provide a necessary treatment intervention. We will work with you to minimize soreness or provide education or intervention to reduce any soreness from the session. The good news is that pain and soreness will subside as treatment progresses.